Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

my first post

okay that's me again , yeah Fara Maulidina. sama seperti blog-ku yang lalu, tapi blog yang itu aku lupa passwordnya, so' i get a new blogger ;)
kali ini aku bakal rajin nge-post disini, karena sekarang setiap malam aku bisa online walaupun enggak lama, kiranya cukup lah buat nge-post beberapa kejadian hari ini.

let me introduce myself (again),
namaku Fara Maulidina, but sometimes my friends call me Fara, but my family and my lovely boy-friend call me Dina. Bron at Jakarta, tanggal 21 Juli 1996. I'm is a extraordinary girl with nerd ability, or you can say it, "Indigo Children".
i have one sister and one brother that never play with me, actually always fighting. my parents works at my house to be a trader (of course my residence home is a market). i'm lonely and full of sadness.
but it just happened at my home. in school, i have many friends who cares to me, a have one boy-friend that very love me, i have a parents (teacher) that very nice to me.
I like to reading, but not a lesson book without many pictures in there. usually i read a encyclopedia, novel, poem, kids story or another love story :)
I like to cooking, i mean about culinary world and another things about cook :)
I like to playing computer . i can made a fiction story, poem, or any recipe. however actually use for online facebook, twitter, blogger and many more.
I love music.
I love my handphone, camera, i-pod, notebook and my books.
I love all of my friends and my best-friends.
I love to dreaming, oh yeah i'm a dreamer.
I love all my family, and a..
I love my best boy friend, Bagus Azmi :)

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